Best Stocks and Shares ISA

Best Stocks and Shares ISA

When it comes to deciding whether a Stocks and Shares ISA or a Cash ISA is right for you, it’ll come down to your goals, time horizon and your tolerance to risk. As a rough guide, if you invest for the long-term and are comfortable with some risk, you should aim to earn around 5% a year from your portfolio.

There are two main types of Best Stocks and Shares ISA: You can choose to DIY pick your own investments and pay trading fees, or you can opt for an ‘automated’ ISA which does the work on your behalf, taking into account your objectives, time horizon and how comfortable you are with risk. The latter is generally the less expensive option, but it’s also worth remembering that your returns are only ever as good as the choices you make (or the ‘fly-by-nighters’ you avoid).

Best Stocks and Shares ISA for 2024: UK Edition

The other factor that can make or break a Stocks and Shares ISA is ease of use. You may need a broker with an intuitive website and a variety of useful tools, such as price comparison tables, research reports and news feeds. It’s often best to sign up for a trial account or look at some reviews to see what other investors think of the platform. It’s also worth considering the cost of any ongoing platform fee, which could be a flat monthly amount or a percentage of your holdings – the lower the fee, the more money stays in your investments to grow.

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